with Margaret Clark

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Margaret Clark

Author & Writer

With a wealth of writing knowledge and over a hundred published books to touch on Margaret Clark had much to tell about her long career in publishing.  Since creating her popular teen hero, ‘Pugwall’, Margaret Clark has gone on to write a range of best-selling novels for children and young adults. A beloved Australian author, Margaret’s books have found audiences around the world. Funny, wise and clever, her novels address many of the issues with which young people grapple. A frank and generous interview we were delighted to have her as a guest In the Book Cave.

Jennifer Kloester


Jennifer Kloester is an Australian author of Young Adult, Biography & Historical Fiction.

Her first novel, ‘The Cinderella Moment’, was published by Penguin Australia and Swoon Romance in 2013 and was followed by the sequel, ‘The Rapunzel Dilemma’ in 2014.

Jennifer has given talks around the world on Georgette Heyer and the Regency, and is a passionate advocate for women writers, books and reading.

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