Audio Version
Clare Saxby
Claire Saxby’s favourite word is ‘try’ – an interesting choice for an author who has achieved so much in her career as a successful children’s book author. A lyrical writer with a love of unusual words, Claire has written poetry, fiction and non-fiction for young people on subjects as diverse as Weary Dunlop, the Anzacs, koalas, emus and the Rajah Quilt. A compelling interview which looks at how she writes, what inspires her and the challenges attached to writing books for children, Claire Saxby was a welcome guest In the Book Cave.
Jennifer Kloester
Jennifer Kloester is an Australian author of Young Adult, Biography & Historical Fiction.
Her first novel, ‘The Cinderella Moment’, was published by Penguin Australia and Swoon Romance in 2013 and was followed by the sequel, ‘The Rapunzel Dilemma’ in 2014.
Jennifer has given talks around the world on Georgette Heyer and the Regency, and is a passionate advocate for women writers, books and reading.
Read the transcript
[0:00] Music.
[0:07] Hello and welcome to the book cave today we’re interviewing award winning Australian author Clare Saxby Claire welcome to the book cave thank you likely to be great to have you please an award-winning author of,
children’s books fiction non-fiction and poetry.
So clear very interested in your wonderful range of books you’ve written a good number and are obviously very successful are published both in Australia and internationally how did you begin.
[0:37] I began with a 6 week course about trying to help children learn to read in the classroom.
[0:48] We have been doing that as a parent group for some time and the.
Ed Kashi partment decided that we needed to be train to do this so they did this setup the six week course and at the end of that the teacher who was running it.
Said I think you better go and do something else and I think I did too much homework and I think I put my hand up to much,
side is focused sort of Fire came out it totally accidentally something else was writing ah yeah.
Was that what you meant you to do.
Yeah I’ll be your first book my first book was an educational reader called banana bread in the body
wonderful title
came from Everyday experiences and then sort of built the story built around that so yes it was so middle primary,
it was just a sort of organic thing you actually discovered in you that you have a talent for writing children’s rowsell did you actually go and do some kind of right due to some classes I did a quite a few classes I thought.
[2:05] Short story because I thought that short story would be easy right
I discovered very quickly this sorcery is one of the most challenging forms of a story whiting and I was not very good at it but when I discovered writing for children it was like I come home
how do I say something apart from what I was doing and when I did the writer for children outside this is this is what it was meant to be
and so.
Your sense of writing for children what is it that draws you to that you say it makes you feel fat man you feel like you’re coming home what is it about writing for children I think the thing that I like.
[2:49] Awesome I like I finished all sorts of different things not just one and writing for children allowed me to explore.
All of the parts of me all of the curiosities that I have so I want to play with language and for preschool-aged children and.
[3:07] The rhythm and the Rhyme and and the repetition and have them become pool to pull them in,
with the the magic of the lyricism of the language and then I want to lick the books for older children I want them to see the magic that’s in these
with her nature story books to to see the magic that’s in these animals that we know so well yet don’t know it all,
and then with the Histories they Discovery.
Of who makes me me and who who has helped shapes.
This place Olivia luann and the people that are around me and it allows little look at all of those things and not be tied down to one particular part
recently come through very strongly in your books and I can ticularly like this cell my name is Lizzie Flynn which is.
[4:05] Surprising book in so many ways I have to say
I can appoint unexpected but really endearing and interesting and really compelling in a way it was for children what age would you recommend this for.
It’s probably it’s Heartland if you like is Middle primary yet but I have a 323 Morbid yeah but I,
in fact I’ve used it with younger children,
as well I just also which elements when I focus on,
and it is just such a big story that the quilts I didn’t know off and it’s
one of Australia’s most important textiles it has a story of its own being lost for nearly 150 years and I follow these pathways in the research to come back I was sitting in there
library in.
[5:09] In Williamstown digging diggy diggy diggy and discovered that the street on which the library.
[5:19] Is situated was named for the man who was Captain of the ship my story.
Circles and you know less than six degrees of separation and no.
[5:40] The way you find stories anyway stories find you endlessly fascinating
I completely agree with that one of so many of life’s serendipitous moments and it can be that flash in the brain or it can be an encounter aura
someone says a sentence or a word and suddenly
is the next booked extraordinary isn’t it that’s when you sort of tune out from whatever it conversation you’re having a bit hopefully you come back well
I don’t know about the Rajah quilt and it’s of course name the Rajah quilt because of the ship that it was pissed
together on by the convict women so this is a story of convict and what I found one of the things that I found so surprising is it it’s actually written in quite a confronting way,
so you really
quick Lillian for children in an office is very successfully aimed at children but you don’t hold back on the greediness in the dark time what these convict women.
Went through and a coffee bean is a convict child teenager Transporter 7 years of stealing a sure but I actually found that really refreshing
it was quite intentional I think we glass over.
The dark parts about history at our peril I think if we want to.
[7:05] Learn from the experiences of our history we need to confront them.
And look at them honestly and that’s what I tried to do to say this wasn’t.
[7:17] Sausage I bet you never saw her place a cruise no their lives we’re not.
Pleasurable in any way that even making of this quilt.
Would have been seen by some of them as Whangarei another insult because they make it for someone who had.
Much more than that Sevendust is very much trying to.
In a while Lizzie herself is based on a real character with so did you do with that she only Leslie Flynn wasn’t but a 13-year-old girl was right and I.
I didn’t want to use a real person because she has descendants and so I have used to crime but none of her crime I have used to age.
In the existence the basis has to be to her into the other women who were transported that time yeah it’s it’s beautifully written thank you and I think very powerful.
In because it is because you don’t shy away from the dark.
And confronting in the difficulty of that particular part of our history Mickey I think I think that was really wonderful.
So you actually once said you know I think you have a great attitude towards fear.
[8:40] Something that we just you know really don’t need to get you shouldn’t give time to that we need to move on and it often the fear of the thing is
much worse than the reality often turns out to be so when you’re working on your books for children and working with children cos I know you give a lot of talks in schools.
[8:59] In what ways you think the books help children with fear.
[9:05] They can choose when they when it’s too much and they can close the book and walk away.
But I also see resolution they see our successful outcomes.
So they see the journey that the model for them which hopefully give them some sort of sense that there will be something beyond this particular for you if it’ll be something beyond it that will be worth.
Pushing for.
Defy the children open up to you when you give talk and schools all that you yes yes all over sometimes that can be challenging this one of my boxes see dog which is about
a rambunctious to get dirty love to roll in smelly things
and the first time I presented that to a prep classroom with small child put their hand up and.
Oh my dog died that’s terribly sad another hand up.
My dog died too little prep in the front row or two hand up my guinea pig died.
I’m sorry I rapidly lost control of it but you just never know.
[10:18] What will q r m a conversation.
In young people and say what they come up and I will tell you all sorts of things so do you think of books is something that actually is a practical
responsive help the children who are struggling with with difficult lives with fear with the sort of things that try very hard not to consciously do that
because I think it would become quite obvious that that’s what you doing I try to shape a story.
[10:56] That is true to itself and that is real whatever that real names weather that sir
free exactly ok you’re making it living over overnight or whether it’s so you lose it what the Anzac Day
they’re not real people but there is close to realise they can be and they’re trying to make them on a true and honest and try not to prescribe what it is that someone takes from that.
Because that way Madness lies yes because you can’t control what they’re bringing to the book.
We’re the ANZAC one I did not want to have any gunshot and so I stop to talk about that because I found it fascinating I mean I have here to of your wonderful history,
also we have met the Anzacs and then meet Weary Dunlop and of course Weary Dunlop with a very famous Australian of the Second World War.
Are grapes.
[12:03] Man who I think I can truly great man you know who sacrifice many things to help so many of their soldiers,
in presence of War during the Japanese occupation of the Singapore Malaysia Intuit burma-siam and the men who worked on the messiah railway and which my great uncle was one.
But I found it fascinating the Anzacs is a really interesting book and not at all again what I might have expected because it does is wonderful job of telling us.
[12:36] The history of how the men went to war in 1914 in 1915 and of course a lot of things were not at all what they expected.
Any up in Egypt and you know waiting to actually go into battle and so you take us
all the way it is wonderful illustrations to the fabulous purple battery lestrange’s in a minute you take it all the way,
are two middle east to Egypt Cairo,
and you take us eventually to the Gallipoli Peninsula which you know is where in the Gallipoli experience again.
And before you leave.
[13:19] Would like nothing they could have imagined is in fact the final page and.
Tell me about that I probably would’ve been.
The first person to hide my young men in the hills if war been declared when they were at an age where that was inappropriate.
Where where they were calling up our young man you have some I have three son I don’t want them to go to war I don’t know that war serves any.
It’s just too costly part for anything else in terms of live soon so when I was asked to write this one.
I asked with some time to think about it and they said there isn’t any time you could have 24-hour.
In the middle of the night when many revelations come I woke up and I could write how they came to be there.
And that way I don’t have to buy again I don’t know how that happened I didn’t know the world into it so happened and I was very aware that.
In pitching to the publisher that could be the end they could say that’s not what we want we’ll go somewhere else.
And I said happens I took it to the marketing partner and they said that’s never been done do it.
[14:46] And I was able to explore the environment into it,
that war exploding Anna and Australia’s response to it and I still do have to fire again effective because of course what it does is it as a SpringBoard,
I guess for teachers and in students to really say will will what did happen
what happened after they got there and I think it’s it’s really wonderful in that way plus it’s it’s a lovely slice of Australian history because you give us an insight into ordinary laugh,
hit that from the end of the ordinary men and women who actually
end up going off to fight in the Great War what the thought was going to be in that game
you know it was really that that still to travel to see the world and to have a great adventure and with no understanding really of what it actually means and I
don’t know that that’s changed I think there is no preparation for that the moment of engaging with an enemy when you buy weapons ok goodnight true but they do this series is marketed
has been through grade 2 up and I wanted it to be I didn’t want to be the one that confronted their children.
[16:11] Without support and so finishing and also as you fail as a teacher parent to choose what their particular group of children or individual child
is able to manage it what what where they’ll go next origin word for very different this series,
and you don’t you you do take us right into the jungles and do the Burma Siam railway.
Obviously you you give us a lovely biographical history of Dunlop himself and I did love the explanation of his name.
[16:44] Why he became called weary which if you want to know you’ll have to beat the book and it’s worth reading some really beautifully put together book and again extraordinary illustration beautifully done,
of course you don’t engage with the atrocities,
by the Japanese during this terrible time but you do give us enough of the hard parts I think.
It really highlight dunlops achievements and it’s contribution really tricky path to walk the sun.
Trying to honour the men and their suffering.
[17:28] Trying not to demonize a new generation of readers against the Japanese but represents.
The conflict in a way.
[17:42] It is that was again not sugar coating it but appropriate to a younger audience so I guess what I’m trying to do in my step my book series 2 ignite curiosity I want them to come out of me and with the.
I want to know more about that you you’ve given me enough to make me want to know more that’s what I want to do this is a very fine balance,
lucky I would have thought particularly in this book so
how long does it take I’m in you know all this is not a lot of words per say research and getting that balance right that must take.
[18:20] A long time does the few words that there are in a text the the more each one of them has to work the harder it on haven’t you and soak in condensing.
[18:35] For example in the start of that his early life is fest 35 years I condensed into something like 15 words but then to go to sort of show episodes of his.
Time in the camps in the different camps in his role and bring them down to their essence to distil them to The Essence but to still.
Accurately portray what happened.
[19:05] Takes it is it a distillation process you start with this many words and you come down and you come down and you come down and you come down and.
It can be that you know one page one phrase can take you hours or Days Inn once you’ve got all information that the iceberg of the research behind you.
Coming down to the piece that absolutely must be there to connect the one before in the one after but also to represent the situation at that time it’s.
[19:41] I do a lot of leaving and probably my best house cleaning happens when I’m sick when I’m agonizing over the the actual three words that have to be there in what order they need a n i think I read that you want spent.
Hours trying to work out once and then gave it up and then the next day there it was
I spent a whole day working on four words a forward sentence the my editor said not sure about this
and I rearrange the Nano rearrange them when I change them and I threw them out and I put them back in and I walked away and probably cleaned my bathroom and
possibly Adler kitchen floor things for desperate and came back to swap into around and said and she said that’s it so that’s how long I can take a nap.
Like it is a dramatic example of it better that is quite symptomatic of what it’s like quite a little less exactly where it’s like that is extraordinary yeah I mean.
[20:49] Is it making it look like it’s easy unfortunately that means that it’s often very difficult but I choose it I love it I think that’s part of the right is dilemma though is that.
Writing to most of the world doesn’t look like work and the process of getting those words on the page as he often takes,
getting up n,
Hino Hiab load of washing or cooking a meal or doing some mundane tasks because in fact the work is all happening in the brain and and it’s it’s it happens in a variety of ways of course you gotta put
herself in the chair and whether with pan or computer put the words down and again to most people that doesn’t look like work but.
[21:37] Any author the hose that it is incredibly hard incredibly difficult and even just that word choice and we’ve often talked in the book cave to different authors about this.
I’m fascinated by the fact that we have this Vocabulary in English about half a million words but it’s at selection.
And one writer can take the same vocab room put the words in a particular order and produce a particular kind of or can another awful take the same word.
Completely different dinner part of the magic it takes tremendous kill and you you clearly have it you know these books, crosses.
Fluid easy which to me is always a mark of how difficult they are actually to create but I’m fascinated by the lyricism,
if you’re writing to particularly these two books which I just laughed and particularly emu I think.
Is the wonderful book in for anyone who is interested in Australian animals or would love to come to Australia and see this exotic creature this is a fantastic introduction to one of my favorites which is the emu
and. Tell us about this book start these protests.
[22:57] Wanting to know everything about the animals
and I want to know the things that people know about them if they know about them and I want to know the things that they don’t so I go into the sort of detail it will never appear in a book
to try and find the essence to find the language in finder voice for they solo then on fixing,
long narrative narrative non-fiction I want to I want to be.
As close as I can get without sort of dining oh and then you skin feel like I want to to know their movements in their natural waves and s i Immerse myself in there.
In a store in am no there every text I can find wherever I can find it The Experts gone watch them.
[23:47] Richie spend time with the eat with ease watching I’m watching the move the hilarious the bait is hilarious
when I go into schools I get to a child to put their hands in pants Insider their jumper and then fall over.
And once a fallen over I tell him have to get up without using your elbows and it’s very difficult but it shows very clearly what it’s like when you’re a long skinny animal.
It has no wings no elbows here and you have to try and get up and so that awkward and that,
helps me sort of understand what it’s like to be an I don’t have any aspirations to be an animal but I want to get close enough that what I’m representing.
Create the images really powerful images of what day.
[24:44] How they are they have a lips yeah well you certainly achievers I mean the emu babies are just beautiful of course lots of people don’t realise that their striped when they’re born.
So they camouflage in the Grasslands and I think wild melons to a striped and that’s another.
Reason for them to grow taller they lose their stripes soon why do they list because.
If I had stripes when they’re taller than the grass then it would be a counter camouflage yeah it’s an arrow one for them so the fact that they change.
Does stippled the description of them is having stupid heads was one of the ones that took me weeks to find the one word,
that described how their heads look as a poster the stripes on their body had to be the right word stipple stipple I love it for one the word will I just go to read a tiny bit if that’s alright because the language a happy so beautiful.
[25:44] I love this for months emu and his mate have Dance song and word each other together they have built a leafy ground Nest now she perches next to him and laser final egg.
Then she’s gone emu gathers the egg under him and gentles down.
[26:05] Is hair like feathers are soft will keep the eggs warm the eggs a large and strong but without emus care they will perish long before they ready to hatch
I love it gentle down you can just feel him doing it for me is only for wonderful dark blue green blue eggs that are like Grannis to look at and of course it’s female
that will care for the eggs and raise the chicks until they’re old enough to be independent and that of course is one of those wonderful aberrations in the animal world to put it together so beautifully.
This is a book all your books have wonderful illustrators but this book particularily a stunning is just superb and I have to show.
I ordered this wonderful picture of an eagle flying overhead incorporate the shadow.
City of the eagle and the chicks running with the father and looking like Venice about that
oh the image and this is the one I try and purchase one from every one of my books to have on my walls and this is the mu Tightrope because this one for me.
Has the The Movement.
[27:28] Of of the emus that they look like feathers and so you sort of come at the image from this level they Missy though the eagle on NEC the what look like feathers then you say that they are actually the young
Amy is and then you say that caravanning know they’ve The Zig Zag pathway and the dia pop almost apocalyptic.
Wild lucid of what’s around that you know flight this is the end of could be the end of the world and and he’s just,
a Graham his art is just beautiful and I don’t pretend to understand how are these made,
in any sort of sense but I think this is this is how it’s made and this is this is where it goes and I’d love.
[28:14] That image particularly it’s superb the other thing that I love about these animal books because you’ve also done the red kangaroo one which I love which I don’t have unfortunately and koala which will talk about in a minute I love the fact that you.
Because it’s nonfiction you tell this gorgeous story which gives us so you know Chapman verse on emus but in such a lyrical way but then you have in a different font the.
Actual factual.
Story of emus and this one that cause talks about how they zigzag to confuse predators so I think that’s just so clever,
and you giving children a story but you’re also giving them they’re the kind of thing a scientific historical factual elements of answer the questions generated by the text,
the new detectives from a particular about a particular individual or family and then the other is about 2 species and so hopefully.
In reading the the Lyric Theatre 10th there will be questions generated which can be answered and it also means that whoever sharing this book can make decisions about.
How much do the story of a share whether they just read straight through with a narrative or whether they break and and share the information and add value add to the story.
The gift.
[29:38] Your idea no no no this is a Ritalin with an English series and that’s a couple of American titles and the first aider little winkle did one on bilbies and then I can eat away at Kangaroo.
[29:52] Dave I have a new one dingo coming out proud of next year my favourite and echidna.
Platypus Platypus about Sue whiting and it’s illustrated by Mike Jackson.
And it’s very beautiful wombat and echidna each one at a time I think I only want my favourite,
so koala is another very beautiful book but again a little bit confronting well one of your
you know don’t rza from the difficult aspects of being a koala sleep for.
[30:42] Connecting a dynamic narrative around that required going outside the what we currently know you know what we popular Lily know.
I had to look further but I love it if I enjoy it,
finding it but it was a bit sort of because of koalas in so beautiful cute cuddly so cute and they sleep and eat gum leaves and nothing much else happened but their life they really challenging
really really tough yeah they are so interesting and I didn’t know that about there incredibly rainproof
you know I might help Koalas and had a koala’s but it was just so much wonderful information and beautifully presented.
You know so tell me about the research how did you do this because we not surrounded by koalas.
[31:32] A lot of reading a lot of reading a lot of asking questions of people.
[31:42] I did some of them I think the books with this one some of them I needed to spend time in the state library which you know such a terrible hardship
to go through some old books and then match them up with current stuff and see what changes and what doesn’t cause the level of detail I’m looking for is in like a CSIRO take me out of here
you know I want somebody who’s done with Dr it on koalas I want that level of
you know 30 cal sorry I way through enormous amounts of material
and spoke online and I’ve been check it on written resources so the Internet is great for.
[32:24] Most racist staff in the kitten weight through.
The address the mess with Jeff and written things can be great for detail.
I miss I do all of those and then,
I try and fight decide which character which which animal is going to be my focus character in this case it was a young male and
nice I’ve done that then I try and find a voice voice for that Carrie members black any fiction I need to have a sense of how I’m going to tell that story this one actually submitted and it were
accepted and I met with my editor and she said this is really but we can publish this.
[33:06] But we think you can do it again would like to do with a different focus so I then started again.
[33:16] How long did it take you.
[33:24] And then I didn’t have to do the research again I just had to change the focus of the story they wanted me to they wanted it to be slightly.
Slightly younger and pear back more ok and so the labour to mess is slightly.
[33:39] Yes but still beautiful
one wild night the wind grows until even the tallest trees ways like a sapling koala clean with tight safe and warm as raindrops,
and it around him I love those two words I’ve never seen plump and Plitt before I.
That’s I try and find words that have not been,
used tmax in the particular context and I will appropriate them to my to my needs and make them fit where they should sit within that I love doing that bit where did you find plump in Split,
could you just sound exactly like raindrops falling have a number of the sources and.
[34:34] Troll looking forward to sometimes I make them up,
wonderful did you make up these worth sure I don’t think so because they’re just such.
Wonderful words I think I found them but I don’t know that I’ve ever seen like I’ve no minutes or if it’s on dislike.
And paid not necessarily said the right word I’m all for that look it’s quite widely for my work yet
books have a definite kind of rhythm and Cadence that I think is really effective you know so do you read them aloud as you write,
and if I can I prevail upon my long-suffering family
see you because I don’t think I find really valuable is having somebody else come out it cold and read it to me and I can listen to where.
Day trip.
Cos I can sort it cos I know you’ll exposed to found me and so I will read it out loud and I can tell when I’m reading and out loud to somebody often is better I find will you
to read it out loud to somebody then I can hear.
Where what I’m saying it’s not quite what I wanted to say but if I get a stranger to read it the stranger to the tech to read it to me then.
[36:02] I see where they trip and I can have another look at it and and my ideal is if I can get it to a point where a stranger can pick it up and read it and get the cadence right love music.
[36:17] I sing in a choir but I think saying I was musical would be overstating it you clearly have an ear though.
[36:26] Circadian rhythms and entering yes that comes through very strongly which brings us to our last book
for the session not your last book of course because you’ve written more than these we never have time for all the books in the book cave,
and I thought I had to leave this one to last because of course we heading into the Festive season and Christmas at home.
[36:49] Which is delicious because it’s it’s really Australian and I think that’s wonderful and refreshing so what brought you to,
this particular book the third one the first time is Christmas grandads Farm
and I wanted to write an Australian Christmas wine and I wanted to set it to one of the Elmo Christmas songs I want it to be fun and this one is set to the the tuna tanenbaum
and so that’s it’s also comes through without you The Reader actually if you know tan bum,
bullet that sort of way wanted to do I don’t want it to hit them over the head I want them to start reading it go I know what I’m saying here I know what I,
reading is a long to tanenbaum,
yes which I thought was wonderful so the other one is Christmas at Grandma’s Beach House yes it’s the 12 Days of Christmas wonderful wonderful obviously Perfect Christmas reading.
And if TV and all of that so.
Again your illustrators are also different koala is it was right by the wonderful Julie vivas,
who did Possum Magic among many other books and that wonderful wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge in which is the celebrations begin yeah yeah yeah yeah,
do you have any say in Illustrator so they certainly have more opportunity to at least here I don’t necessarily.
[38:18] Gather her go really vote as it were a bit I never see what my characters look like unless you know Weary Dunlop.
Letter to look at Weary Dunlop for those I am inside my characters looking out at the world in which they live and so unless it’s relevant for plot I have no interest in what characters look like so.
I rely on my publisher thanator tooth.
To to bring somebody to it that will have their own PC cos I don’t give any instruction at all wonder about how it should be in an I want the magic.
[38:55] I want to send I want to see what my words conjure for somebody else so.
What’s it like receiving get sent the illustrator sketches.
Skechers first black and white and then colour sometimes colour printer colour image at same time afterwards.
it’s fascinating to see how somebody has Illustrated the spaces between the words it’s really because I bring the whole other story to it that I can’t.
[39:32] If I instructed them then it’s just my brain and my brain is limited
so if we have somebody else’s Prime and then we’ve got this brain it puts us together and combines it then accommodation is much better than the sum of the parts and that’s the magic of picture books.
[39:49] So beautifully said so have you ever had it where you received illustrations that you can’t of God.
I had one education title which was about a boy being scared of deep water and
the final image he is convinced to spend some time looking under them if the surface of the water at race when he sees this octopus.
[40:16] The illustration came back with a monster of the tape and so I went back to the publisher and I feel it.
I love this image it’s a really nice image however it it fights The Testament XD you know any sensible person would be scared.
Of an animal of the size rightly so and not only did they not listen they put that on the front cover.
[40:38] But that’s been really my I think every other has at least one of places stories,
do you get more illustrations on the book needs or is it always exact right number do and you get to sort of have a say about.
Where they go or whether there should be some different varies depending on the publisher.
I’m one book not so long ago there was some suggestions the illustrated had done it in the entire book and the publisher thought that.
Distant it should go back here and that image.
To me was the kickoff Point to be on the book and so to put it in the middle of the book water,
Latin dancing pack drive for me but generally and as an that’s what I said and so did the illustrator and it ended up back where we got it long but generally I might if it’s
there’s not much that I would say I don’t think that fits.
[41:47] So I didn’t hello in a kangaroo when there’s an image which is quite and iconic image about kangaroos laying back on their tail and fighting another kangaroo from my reading is that’s actually quite uncommon.
And so when this image came with this beautiful big full moon and a kangaroo kicking silhouetted against it does have three fantastic.
[42:11] Female kangaroos sitting at the back going
it felt to me that it was perpetuating a anova reference representation in images of kangaroos and I said that back babe marketing love it
it happens a lot because people often are interested in the actual reality of something they love those hooks and that
how the world works you know I’m in people love to think that you know kangaroos do rear back on their than fight each other that kangaroo can driven human being in a half a drive much more dramatic,
you know and that’s what tourists like to hear because it’s a little hint of danger form exactly so in Space off I have to ask you this because so interesting
and you may not remember but I’m going to like it
you won’t say that there was some someone’s asked you if you could live in another time where would you live and you said you’re very happy living in this time but there were sometimes you would like to have gone back to because there was some people you’d like to
give them a good shake.
And I’m fascination know who some of those people might be people perhaps or people in books,
you’re certainly in history there’s people let you feel like so really you know.
[43:39] Maybe maybe you should have another think about that before you do it in public school.
[43:46] The benefit of hindsight it’s a wonderful thing I can go back to my own and this many times I can do with a decent shake.
[43:56] Yeah I think so I think so I think a son but yes it would be nice when you get so close into them when you’re researching for a project you certainly know you could laugh could have been so much sick so much want.
Swimming pool the Gallipoli campaign probably Springs too many things are different handled Diaries a lot of the diary for now digitizers mother the war memorial
and in Canberra they have their websites amazing and I read for the landing I read the accounts of her.
But he Sgt to her it was a person who is in charge of other other men who had been.
See I think he had been to the Boer War failure and I read The Count of a young man.
He was really excited and there was a third account.
[44:56] Of somebody who was in charge of others but had never been in that position before and to contrast the Diaries of those three people all the letters home for me with a fascinating fantasy.
You know I’m gonna guess you could well do with a show some of the people not this is oily those people but some of the peano I think that’s true but you’re a great optimist,
aren’t you off if so yes my mother has called me pollyanna,
that’s because pollyanna gets very very yeah
misrepresented and I’m a great believer in getting people to wait to read pollyanna
call Tanya pollyanna she’s always thought of the Traders some kind of blind Optimus to just always says 2 people will you know there’s always a happy side but of course it’s not happy we’re operators at all finally found
some good things in difficult situations to look at not
pretending at the difficult situation will not there but just and when she had her own troubles
she found it incredibly difficult only possible to find a bright side to her own troubles and I think it so you know I only sort of.
[46:16] Stand up for polio this I can supplement
I think there is always a and and it just means you have to check outside yourself not see stories about you there about it at larger World and that larger world has other elements in and show you the terrace
always the best looking thing in life and I got a great message for children to,
you know yeah it’s so easy Spectacular Now this particular generation of young people are just so overwhelmed with me
media and reporting the negative things and people,
say that our young people are destined there that my experience about a young people through my children my you know
larger family my children’s friends my children are all adults
are there an amazing went resources of people only see exactly the people that should be doing things that they doing I completely agree with you and this is a joyful book could actually reflects that kind of George Wallace families are Christmas young people old,
Our children you know all together and just celebrating you know different different races different cultures coming definition.
[47:30] Monster it’s like a running gag going through yes if an Inuit.
Is there any number in sister friend from far
Kokoda until I find a text,
it’s all in the narrative the visual narrative so yeah but wonderful and I’m in wonderful joyful you can see I mean it’s just you know
and I do think it’s a great message to children and to the world actually which really brings us to the end of our wonderful interview in this week’s book cave
but before we go we always ask our guest offer to contribute verbally their contribution to our virtual time capsule.
Book cave book bin and you need to tell us the three books that you would leave the world in a time capsule on the KK read 1000 years from now.
[48:38] Ok so are you misunderstood a little bit I thought this is a debit Islander set of food will it be effectively it is I suppose but in that case my first one would be a dictionary of a sort of
say that you have hear out I have my dictionary.
[48:55] Is full of the origin of words the time and on a desert island I’d have the opportunity to,
look at their which words and when and how and I think that would be a fantastic thing and I time consumer one of my favourite books.
As a child was a collection of fairy-tales is 132 pages and it is a collection from many different.
[49:25] Cultures and there’s something in there if I’m feeling like being inspired there’s something in there if I’m thing feeling like the world is it.
[49:35] Wicked place and there is something for every mood for everything and I think that would be.
Something that would want to have with me and fairy-tales are such wonderful.
SpringBoard into other stories imaginations and things would definitely be there and I think the third one I had called.
[50:02] Patchwork prisoners where tooth when I was researching my name is Lizzie Flynn I had to go to many many many different websites.
To find the elements like the three database is that I needed to find it told me the age the crime in the sentence of the women,
aboard ship and this patchwork prisoners came out of it through 4 months after Lizzie Flynn did and has everything in there.
That I would have needed to do to write this book.
Please do didn’t come out and at the same time for a couple of reasons why is that it.
[50:40] It would then have been that my book had come out of that book and it didn’t say came out of the same interest but offered cos it’s an academic text here and.
I feel quite validated it there’s nothing in there that disprove all that what I put in there it is not accurate.
But I really like to read it in great depth NM.
Form which my research wasn’t necessarily so I would take that with me as well wonderful and the great thing to leave the world to.
Inside history into.
Experiences to have the world could not repeat that would be enough time to memorise.
[51:22] Certain the world will need a dictionary in 1000 years from now.
Clare Saxby pin absolute pleasure and July having you in the book cave.
[51:34] Music.