It is such a delight to announce the launch today, July 1st 2020, of the International Heyer Society and, in conjunction with my fellow Patronesses, Rachel Hyland and Susannah Fullerton, invite you to join us in sharing the joys of Georgette Heyer. September 2021 marks one hundred years since the publication of Georgette Heyer’s first novel, The Black Moth, written when she was just seventeen. As we look forward to celebrating her centenary in London, New York, Melbourne and Auckland (Covid-19 permitting), we will keep you well informed about the inimitable Georgette with our monthly circular, Nonpareil, in which we discuss her works in detail, along with weekly communications, quarterly digital talks and Q&As with Heyer experts, plus other membership bonuses. It doesn’t cost much to join the International Heyer Society and we look forward to meeting many of her fans as well as lots of new readers online.

“Aunt Georgette would have been delighted”
With members from all over the world already signed up to the Society we are delighted to have a message of support from her nephew, Major-General Jeremy Rougier, who writes:
I know that my Aunt Georgette would be have been quite delighted to know that her books have been widely translated into French, German and Italian editions and that you are now launching an international society to celebrate all things Georgette Heyer. In married life she was Mrs Ronald Rougier and a very formidable personality, married to my father’s younger brother Ronald, who was a QC and an international bridge player. I can well remember the times when in my teenage years my Mother and I were summoned for lunch and then to play bridge with them in their set in The Albany, Piccadilly, an upmarket address second only to Buckingham Palace. It was never a relaxing experience for me. She used to call me “dear boy” which I always suspected was because she couldn’t remember my name. But when I got to know her better in later years I fully realised what a charming, humorous and generous person she was; quite, quite special.
Major-General Jeremy Rougier, 1 July 2020
Georgette Heyer was indeed a very special person – a writer whose novels continue to give hours of reading pleasure to millions around the world. It is so exciting to be part of this new society and to share her brilliant and enduring novels with you. I do hope you will find your membership of the International Heyer Society an enriching and rewarding experience.
A success from the very beginning Georgette Heyer’s bestselling novels Georgette Heyer loved writing her many novels