with Corinne Fenton

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Corrine Fenton


A successful and prolific writer of children’s picture books, Corinne Fenton explains the challenges of writing for children. Passionate about animals, all of her books to date have a different creature at their heart. These warm and engaging stories have found a large audience and her latest book was the inspiration for the Myer Christmas windows. It was fascinating to discover that, though they may not have a lot of words, children’s picture books are very hard to write. Corinne confessed she had sometimes spent months crafting a sentence or finding just the right word. A delightful interview.

Jennifer Kloester


Jennifer Kloester is an Australian author of Young Adult, Biography & Historical Fiction.

Her first novel, ‘The Cinderella Moment’, was published by Penguin Australia and Swoon Romance in 2013 and was followed by the sequel, ‘The Rapunzel Dilemma’ in 2014.

Jennifer has given talks around the world on Georgette Heyer and the Regency, and is a passionate advocate for women writers, books and reading.

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