All Things Georgette

Celebrating Georgette Heyer’s Birthday

Today, 16 August 2020, marks 118 years since Georgette Heyer was born at 103 Woodside, WImbledon. Five years ago, on 5 June 2015, I was privileged to speak at the unveiling of the English Heritage Blue Plaque awarded to Georgette for her contribution to literature. Stephen Fry, that brilliant actor, author and comedian, performed the unveiling and spoke about his love of this great author and of the lasting impression she made on him from first reading her novels at school. Georgette Heyer’s daughter-in-law, Susanna, Lady Rougier, also spoke affectionately of her mama-in-law, noting how pleased Georgette would have been to know that she had been awarded a Blue Plaque (though she would never have admitted it!). Major-General Jeremy Rougier (retired) also spoke of his fond memories of his aunt by marriage, of her kindness and her forceful personality. We were very fortunate to have a professional cameraman on scene that day and I thought you might enjoy celebrating Georgette Heyer’s birthday with those of us lucky enough to speak at this very special ceremony. I do hope you enjoy these videos.

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